US Debt Skyrocketing
According to statistics from the total US national debt has now hit a monumental $22.5 trillion. This shocking figure equates to over $68,000 of debt per citizen. The ratio of debt to GDP is now over 105 percent and does not look to be slowing down. There is an ever-increasing debt ceiling in the US as they spiral out of control which could trigger another financial crisis. The US is not alone and government debt is out of control in most major global economies. Global debt has reached an all-time high of over $180 trillion. The US is one of many countries that have been using financial markets to borrow excessive amounts of money. The debt is so large now that governments cannot meet their financial liabilities and it has gone into a negative return.“Bond prices are hitting highs not seen in… 3,000 years. That’s right, the bond bubble is hitting a 3,000 yr high. When it pops, more than $150 trillion gets wiped out.”
Bond prices are hitting highs not seen in… 3,000 years. That’s right, the bond bubble is hitting a 3,000 yr high. When it pops, more than $150 trillion gets wiped out. — Max Keiser (@maxkeiser)
Bitcoin a Better Hedge
Bitcoin has a lot going for it when considered as a hedge against monumental debt and devaluation of fiat currencies. With its finite supply, upcoming halving event, mathematical integrity, immunity from the political and banking systems, and a growing mainstream and institutional interest, BTC could be the place to go when the economies of the world start to crumble.
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